
The latest news, features, comment and analysis of the UK housebuilding market covering policy, regulation, planning, technology, new developments and products

Ben Roskrow

Industry fundamentals will ensure Brexit bounce back

July 1, 2016 Comment

The fundamentals of the industry are still in place - Britain still needs housing, so any hiatus should be temporary. The question is, how long will it last?

Ben Roskrow

Life after the Brexit vote

June 28, 2016 Comment

Ben Roskrow accepts that the industry is in for a bumpy ride following the vote for the UK to leave the EU, but the fundamentals are still strong - we need new…

Land buying challenges for SMEs

Land buying challenges for SMEs

May 27, 2016 Comment

Andrew Orriss, head of business development at SIG Insulation, agrees that SME housebuilders are essential to increase new homes supply, but argues that it is …

Is it time to sell everything?

May 27, 2016 Comment

Stephen Byfield, managing director of communications consultancy PPS Group, reads the economic runes and reckons that a diary note he wrote predicting a downtu…

The new housing delivery model

May 27, 2016 Comment

The whole outlook for residential development could be changing as registered providers merge to form powerful providers of new homes. Richard Jones, partner a…

A statement of intent from the housebuilding industry

A statement of intent from the housebuilding industry

May 27, 2016 Comment

It is just over a year since the Conservative's election victory, but so much has happened in the industry that it seems longer. But there is more to come, fro…

Ben Roskrow

Economic lessons from Leicester

May 27, 2016 Comment

The pain that we all endured from 2008 to 2010, due to the recession rather than Leicester struggling away at Hartlepool United, makes us ever more vigilant in…

Steve Menary

Profit vs homes

May 1, 2016 Comment

Steve Menary looks at the latest figures from the listed housebuilders and analyses the ratio between margins and completions

The challenge for the new London mayor

May 1, 2016 Comment

The new mayor of London has some significant nettles to grasp if he is to get anywhere near achieving his ambitious plans for new homes delivery, says Richard …

John Stewart

Housebuilding needs solutions, not threats

May 1, 2016 Comment

If the private sector is to build enough homes to help solve our long-term housing crisis, it needs positive incentives and the right demand and supply policie…