
The latest news, features, comment and analysis of the UK housebuilding market covering policy, regulation, planning, technology, new developments and products

Innovation, capacity and skills

Innovation, capacity and skills

Sept. 1, 2016 Comment

H+H's director of housing Neil Thomas considers the latest initiative to address the skills crisis and argues that the industry needs to ensure that training p…

Brexit - how is it going?

Sept. 1, 2016 Comment

Richard Jones, partner at Arcadis, looks at the early effects of the vote to leave the EU on the UK residential sector

Much work ahead for industry

Much work ahead for industry

Sept. 1, 2016 Comment

HBF deputy chairman Peter Andrew says the industry is talking to government about SMEs, fiscal reforms and plans to deliver the 1 million new homes target

Steve Menary

Landbanks reduced post Brexit vote

Sept. 1, 2016 Comment

Steve Menary analyses the landbanks of the plc housebuilders and sees signs of them reducing their positions as they watch the market with care

John Stewart

Brexit will change the shape of UK economy

Sept. 1, 2016 Comment

Britain’s vote to leave the EU will have profound longterm implications for the UK economy, the housing market and the new homes industry, says John

Ben Roskrow

Encouraging signs following a crazy summer

Sept. 1, 2016 Comment

During American president Richard Nixon's visit to Beijing in 1972, the Chinese premier, Zhou Enlai, was asked about the impact of the French Revolution - whic…

A sense of vision

A sense of vision

July 1, 2016 Comment

Chris Rose, Paslode senior product manager, says that as challenging as crystal ball gazing may be, it remains the case that businesses which pre-empt, learn a…

A change in direction for LAs

July 1, 2016 Comment

Richard Jones, partner at Arcadis, says he is seeing a much more innovative approach to housing from local authorities - and this is likely to help with the ca…

Steve Menary

Margins slip at private firms

July 1, 2016 Comment

Steve Menary looks at the performance of the privately owned housebuilders and finds it is not all good news

John Stewart

Planning permissions key to increased sales

July 1, 2016 Comment

Larger housebuilders have significantly increased their sales per site since the trough, but active site numbers have remained almost static. Further increases…