
The latest news, features, comment and analysis of the UK housebuilding market covering policy, regulation, planning, technology, new developments and products

Richard Jones

Tentative steps on the road to on site recovery

June 4, 2020 Comment

Arcadis partner Richard Jones looks at the numerous challenges facing housebuilders as they look to restart work on site

Paul Turton

Necessarily improved

June 4, 2020 Comment

Paul Turton of United Trust Bank, says that the fight against the virus has sparked innovation in the development finance sector

Holly Howe

Marketing in a new era – customer power

June 4, 2020 Comment

Holly Howe of Aylesworth Fleming says that the crisis has changed marketing forever – with the customer to the fore

Andrew Howard

No going back

June 4, 2020 Comment

BECG md Andrew Howard says that planning will not be the same again following the crisis-inspired switch to online

Ben Roskrow

Not wasting a good crisis

June 4, 2020 Comment

Ben Roskrow looks at what the coronavirus crisis might mean to the design and construction of new homes


Planning – all set for a digital future?

June 4, 2020 Comment

HBF planning director Andrew Whitaker looks at the leaps in technological innovation that have seen the planning system leap into the 21st century

Karl Hick

Taking charge in uncertain times

April 3, 2020 Comment

Karl Hick, ceo of the Larkfleet Group, says that the coronavirus is a brutal reminder of our vulnerability - physically and economically

Trying to find the right balance

April 2, 2020 Comment

After the UK’s recent flooding experiences, Paul Smith, managing director of the Strategic Land Group, looks at the challenges local authorities face

Richard Jones

The impact of the sustainability agenda

April 1, 2020 Comment

Arcadis partner Richard Jones looks at how the government’s focus on sustainability may impact the residential sector and the targeting of investment money

Keeping calm and carrying on

April 1, 2020 Comment

Nick Sutcliffe, director at communications consultancy BECG, says the industry must, and will, adapt to the new normal that will come after coronavirus