
The latest news, features, comment and analysis of the UK housebuilding market covering policy, regulation, planning, technology, new developments and products

Kate Davies

Long-term thinking to fix our broken housing market

Oct. 2, 2020 Comment

Kate Davies, executive director of the Intermediary Mortgage Lenders Association (IMLA), calls for a different, long term approach to delivering more homes

Oliver Baker

Taking sustainability action now

Oct. 1, 2020 Comment

Oliver Baker, ceo of Ambion Heating, advises that steps should be taken now to prepare homes for the Future Homes Standard and a low carbon life

Cliff Fudge

Don’t pause on the green agenda

Sept. 3, 2020 Comment

Cliff Fudge, technical director of aircrete manufacturer H+H, sets out his five point plan to help reach the carbon neutral goal

Rachel Asquith

Advocating the brand – to pay or to earn?

Sept. 3, 2020 Comment

Rachel Asquith, business director at Aylesworth Fleming, considers the role of the advocate in an evolving marketing strategy

Richard Jones

Great Expectations

Sept. 3, 2020 Comment

Arcadis partner Richard Jones looks at his firm’s new Construction Market View which predicts potential improved viability for housebuilders in the short term

David O'Leary

Help to Buy – the great policy enigma of our time

Sept. 3, 2020 Comment

HBF policy director David O’Leary discusses the reputation and standing of Help to Buy - why is it downplayed by supporters and criticised in the media?

Stewart Baseley new

Busy autumn awaits resilient industry

Sept. 3, 2020 Comment

HBF executive chairman Stewart Baseley looks at the new Help to Buy and planning policy announcements and, after a busy summer, anticipates more to come

Ben Roskrow

Covid could leave a positive legacy

Sept. 3, 2020 Comment

Ben Roskrow assesses this year's SWOT analysis and finds that the industry, while worried about Covid, also sees opportunities ahead from the pandemic

What the planning white paper means for housebuilders

Aug. 28, 2020 Comment

Paul Smith, md of the Strategic Land Group, looks at the latest planning reforms and discusses how they will change the way that housebuilders operate

Colin Wells

We need to vent

Aug. 3, 2020 Comment

Colin Wells, Keylite Roof Window’s head of technical, looks at the importance of an effective smoke ventilation system in high rise and commercial buildings