Nobody said it was going to be easy
Ben Roskrow argues that it is difficult to assess how the industry is currently doing. But challenging times could bring exciting opportunities.
Charting an industry's progress through challenging times
Ben Roskrow looks back at ten years of the Housing Market Intelligence (HMI) initiative, picking up on the trends recorded over the years and what the latest HMI report reveals about the current state of the industry.
Beware of politicians tweeting statistics
Ben Roskrow looks behind the housing figures which triggered a "spat" between housing minister Grant Shapps and his shadow Jack Dromey
A time for patience
The positive news from many larger housebuilders is not yet showing in higher housing starts. We need a little patience, says Ben Roskrow
Design critics need to see bigger picture
Ben Roskrow says that the design intelligentsia needs to see the bigger picture before criticising new homes design.
Damned if you do…
Ben Roskrow addresses the negativity levelled at NewBuy and explains why the scheme is not a "love-in" between industry and government
Winning hearts and minds on zero carbon
Looking through the NHBC Foundation’s research into attitudes towards zero carbon, Ben Roskrow says that it is time to build on the good work and win hearts and minds
A good start to an exciting year
Ben Roskrow welcomes in 2012 and tells industry why it is not just the Olympics that is giving the country hope
Mortgage scheme rewards industry’s hard work
Ben Roskrow looks at how the government's "game changing" mortgage indemnity scheme came into being and answers its critics.
Time to sideline the selfish
Ben Roskrow says it is time to sideline the selfish who are only opposing the new planning system for their own interests