Ben Roskrow

Ben Roskrow

Ben is the publishing director at Housebuilder Media and editor of Housebuilder magazine

Back to building but not like before

Oct. 1, 2009

The industry is getting back on its feet despite dire predictions of the demise of the traditional housebuilding model. However, don't expect a return to the volumes of 2007 in a hurry, argues Ben Roskrow

A unique insight into the industry

Sept. 2, 2009

The September edition of Housebuilder includes a fascinating and unique expert analysis of the industry. Ben Roskrow discusses the findings

Building confidence bit by bit

July 1, 2009

An entrepreneurial industry such as housebuilding can only be revived through building confidence - and this can be a complex process

Lies, damn lies and angry economists

May 27, 2009

New government statistics point to a miserable year for new home starts in England. But Ben Roskrow looks for the silver lining

The housebuilding model - broken but not irreparable

May 1, 2009

As the industry starts cautiously to look to the future, Ben Roskrow looks at the future of the housebuilding trader model

A Tory plan for nimby heaven

March 27, 2009

Shadow housing minister Grant Shapps says getting local communities invloved in development decisions can see an increase in new housing provision

Ring those bells

Feb. 25, 2009

The smattering of good news in the market should be welcomed with big smiles and ringing bells

Blink and you'll miss it

Jan. 28, 2009

The government's zero carbon new homes definition will dictate the future shape of the industry apparently. So stop what you're doing, read it and respond

Masters of missing the moment

Nov. 26, 2008

Just about every action the government has taken to help the market has been too little too late. By acting now on mortgages the government can reverse that trend

Minister speech lifts industry at HMI

Oct. 16, 2008

Housing minister Margaret Beckett's first speech as housing minister was warmly welcomed by delegates at the influential Housing Market Intelligence conference