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The latest news, features, comment and analysis of the UK housebuilding market covering policy, regulation, planning, technology, new developments and products

Comment - Allison Heller (Deputy editor)

March 1, 2005

[MMC-IMG=1313-A=Left] Building Regulations minister Phil Hope has told me that he was so pleased with the industry’s development of a pattern book of Robust De…

New Dockland development

March 1, 2005

Plan to boost output

March 1, 2005

Minister to ask industry to develop Part L Robust Details

March 1, 2005

The government is planning to ask the industry to develop a pattern book of Robust Details for Part L of the Building Regulations, Phil Hope has revealed to Ho…

London rent rises

Feb. 25, 2005

Another blow to the PFI

Feb. 25, 2005