Hope for Parts L and E combination
May 25, 2004
Housebuilders get new health and safety charter
May 17, 2004
Government to begin design code trials
May 14, 2004
Social housing improvements on track - Prescott
May 5, 2004
Muddied waters on village greens
May 1, 2004
The definition of what is and what is not a village green has long been debated.
Step on it
May 1, 2004
Andrew Leech discovers that housebuilders are increasingly turning to structural flooring manufacturers for their expertise on new sound insulation standards. …
Brick of ages
May 1, 2004
While “modern methods” dominate the airwaves, brick and block construction is reaching new levels of technical advancement. Fiona McWilliam talks to the sector…
Dutch designs on high tech steel frame
May 1, 2004
Eric Vreedenburgh, founder of Dutch architectural firm Archipelontwerpers, conceived the newly built steel-intensive house at Zoetermeer, The Hague, as a resea…
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