Permissions at a high but challenges remain – HBF/Glenigan
Planning permissions for more than 350,000 new homes were granted in England in 2017, according to HBF’s latest Housing Pipeline report. At 351,169, it is the …
Bad weather impacts “second highest in a decade” registrations – NHBC
NHBC’s registration figures for the 2017/18 financial year are the second highest for a decade but slightly down on the previous year, with registrations for t…
Barratt ceo joins HBF board
David Thomas, chief executive of Barratt Developments, has joined the board of the Home Builders Federation.
Embrace technology for good quality homes – MHCLG
The government has called upon the housebuilding industry to embrace the latest innovations “to make sure we are building the good quality homes that our count…
Close AGM vote on Persimmon pay
Taylor Wimpey makes board changes
Taylor Wimpey has announced that Ryan Mangold, its group finance director, is stepping down from his role after almost eight years in the post. The housebuilde…
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