
The latest news, features, comment and analysis of the UK housebuilding market covering policy, regulation, planning, technology, new developments and products

Hydro activity

Dec. 1, 2011 Feature

Hydro Properties is the first UK company to offer a solution to building on flood plains. Suzie Mayes learns about the technology and the proposed scheme in Su…

Design reviews– getting it right

Dec. 1, 2011 Feature

All new schemes could soon face "design review" before approval. David Birkbeck, chief executive of Design for Homes and a design reviewer, urges housebuilders…

Riverside reflections

Dec. 1, 2011 Feature

Barking Riverside is a big joint venture with interesting angles and opportunities. Suzie Mayes pays a visit to the multifaceted scheme.

Merry Christmas Mr Pickles

Dec. 1, 2011 Feature

Stephen Byfield, managing director of communications consultancy PPS Group, sends festive greetings to the communities secretary – but wishes he was acting qui…

"We all live in a Fred Story house".

Dec. 1, 2011 Feature

Carlisle based Story Homes is looking to double its housebuilding programme in the next three years. Ben Roskrow meets the charismatic Fred Story, engineer, ho…

The weakest link?

Nov. 1, 2011 Feature

According to the NHBC, increasing solar PV installations are leading to more problems with leaking roofs. Redland’s head of marketing and business development …

Steady applications

Steady applications

Nov. 1, 2011 Feature

Steve Menary looks at the latest planning league tables for the year to September 2011 which show who is planning to build and where. Applications are up in si…

Housebuilder awards 2011

Nov. 1, 2011 Feature

Housebuilder presents the winners and runners up of its prestigious Awards, created for the industry by the industry, which showcase the most imaginative schem…

The Top 25 Housebuilders

The Top 25 Housebuilders

Oct. 1, 2011 Feature

The new Housing Market Intelligence Report will be launched at the Housing Market Intelligence conference on October 12. It includes the Top 75 housebuilders t…

Renewing interest

Sept. 1, 2011 Feature

The renewables technology market is in its infancy. Recognising this, the NHBC Foundation has produced a best practice guide to installing renewable energy sys…