
The latest news, features, comment and analysis of the UK housebuilding market covering policy, regulation, planning, technology, new developments and products

A call for clarity on UK water standards

A call for clarity on UK water standards

July 1, 2014 Feature

Terry Nash, former chairman of the UK Rainwater Harvesting Association and a director of housebuilder Gusto Group, says that water standards were under explore…

Products on parade

Products on parade

July 1, 2014 Feature

The second Housebuilder Product Awards were held at Edgbaston cricket stadium this month (July). Suzie Mayes reveals the winners and highly commended entrants

Three cheers for Christine Lagarde

July 1, 2014 Feature

Stephen Byfield, managing director of communications consultancy PPS, welcomes the contribution of the French md of the International Monetary Fund to the deba…

Aiming for certainty

Aiming for certainty

July 1, 2014 Feature

In 2009, the AIMC4 consortium was formed to deliver low cost Code level four homes through the fabric. Suzie Mayes attended the End of Project conference to fi…

Zero Heroes

Zero Heroes

July 1, 2014 Feature

On the back of recent announcements about the zero carbon homes policy, Suzie Mayes visits Vista, a zero carbon homes scheme initiated by the previous governme…

Team building

June 1, 2014 Feature

Over the past 18 months the housebuilding industry has seen a genuine return of confidence to the sector as builders strive to meet the growing demand for new,…

Put a sock in it

Put a sock in it

June 1, 2014 Feature

New research from NHBC shows a marked reduction in the number of noise complaints by owners of new homes since Part E was revised in 2003. Housebuilder gets th…

Housebuilder Brain Game raises 200,000 GBP for charity

Housebuilder Brain Game raises 200,000 GBP for charity

June 1, 2014 Feature

Heatrae Sadia beat 56 teams to take the 2014 Housebuilder Brain Game trophy, but the real winner was Marie Curie Cancer Care. Housebuilder reports

Profit, planet and people

Profit, planet and people

June 1, 2014 Feature

Lend Lease intends to build more than 1,000 homes a year from 2017 - five times what it delivered last year. Ben Roskrow talks to the firm's head of residentia…

Sizing up the market

Sizing up the market

June 1, 2014 Feature

The task of increasing output must be taken on by housebuilders of all sizes. But for small to medium sized firms this is not so easy. Suzie Mayes looks at the…