
The latest news, features, comment and analysis of the UK housebuilding market covering policy, regulation, planning, technology, new developments and products

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Finding Funding

Sept. 6, 2017 Feature

Housing starts are rising, but when it comes to securing finance to build homes, what is the situation for SMEs? Steve Menary talks to lenders and housebuilder…



Sept. 1, 2017

The ongoing Brexit discussions, the surprise general election and its even more surprising result mean the industry is looking ahead with more trepidation than…

Peter Hindley

The Interview - Peter Hindley

July 6, 2017 Feature

Keepmoat Homes has particularly ambitious growth plans. Suzie Mayes talks to ceo Peter Hindley about staying distinctive, delivering modular housing and being …

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Generating Interest

July 6, 2017 Feature

The development arm of Generator Group specialises in mixed-use and challenging schemes. Suzie Mayes talks to Generator's md Paul Isaacs about the company's de…


Election Reaction

July 5, 2017

Suzie Mayes talks to the industry about what the surprise general election result means for housebuilding. The fast changing situation means we live in "intere…

Antony Stark

The Interview, Antony Stark

June 8, 2017 Feature

Linea Homes is a young, vibrant developer in London and the Home Counties, tackling challenging sites. Suzie Mayes meets its director Antony Stark whose entrep…

growing homes header

Growing companies

June 7, 2017

Several housebuilders are bursting with growth as demonstrated by their appearance in this year’s Sunday Times Profit Track 100 league table. Suzie Mayes talks…

The Knight Group celebrate victory with Martin Roberts

The Housebuilder Marie Curie Brain Game 2017

June 7, 2017 Feature

The Housebuilder Marie Curie Brain Game saw Chesney Hawkes bring the industry to its feet to sing “The one and only” while raising more than a quarter of a mil…

Small builders - big challenges

Small builders, big challenges

June 7, 2017 Feature

The UK’s small housebuilders play a vital role in meeting the increasing demand for new homes. However, this important sector of the housebuilding industry is …

Focus on Part M

Focus on Part M

May 3, 2017 Feature

Steve Evans, NHBC senior area technical manager, talks through the latest revisions to Part M - Access to Dwellings