
The latest news, features, comment and analysis of the UK housebuilding market covering policy, regulation, planning, technology, new developments and products

Honest agents

April 1, 2008 Comment

“Nobody is buying anything at all and the vendor is desperate to sell”

Conference captures industry mood

March 14, 2008 Comment

The industry's inaugural Housing Futures conference, held in Nottingham yesterday, certainly captured the industry's mood in the face of the market slowdown an…

Budget day looms

March 11, 2008 Comment

The impact of last autumn's credit crunch shows no sign of diminishing, as lending conditions continue to tighten, with first time buyers hardest hit.


March 1, 2008 Comment

Take a step into the future of yesterteryear, where humans are blowdried and dinners are gamma-rayed. What will they think of next?

John Stewart

John Stewart’s viewpoint

March 1, 2008 Comment

If the government’s wishes industry to meet it housing numbers target, it must ease the taxation burden on developers

Tuesday blog

Feb. 9, 2008 Comment

Originally from Madrid Carlos Pomeda received traditional training in all aspects of yoga during 18 years as a monk (swami) of the Saraswati order, 9 of which …

The Walrus

Feb. 1, 2008 Comment

The festive season seems a distant memory, just like greeting cards and proper pressies… where will it all lead?

John Stewart

John Stewart’s Viewpoint - New landscape will emerge

Feb. 1, 2008 Comment

Housebuilders went into 2008 battening down the hatches to weather what they hoped would be a brief squall. But the squall looks set to change the landscape of…

Flats go flat

Feb. 1, 2008 Comment

It was heart-warming to see the Centre for Policy Studies’ Ruth Lea, insist on Question Time that our housing market is quite different to America’s

Flint?s manifesto

Jan. 31, 2008 Comment

New housing minister Caroline Flint gave her first keynote speech at a Fabian Society conference on the future of housing on February 5, and just ten days into…