
The latest news, features, comment and analysis of the UK housebuilding market covering policy, regulation, planning, technology, new developments and products

James Hulbert

Finding the right route to Part L compliance

June 1, 2022 Comment

James Hulbert, head of housing at Knauf Insulation, explains why every housebuilder must find its optimal route to Part L compliance

Gemma Leonard

The legal case for modular development

June 1, 2022 Comment

Gemma Leonard, head of residential at DAC Beachcroft, looks at the particular legal considerations around MMC

Barbara Akinkunmi

A healthy approach to new home design

May 6, 2022 Comment

Barbara Akinkunmi of Lovell London discusses how good housing design can help the health and wellbeing of young people

Clive Docwra

Time for a new fund for affordable housing

April 25, 2022 Comment

Clive Docwra of construction consultancy McBains says there is an affordable housing crisis that needs radical solutions

Richard Jones

Tackling the undersupply of housing

April 6, 2022 Comment

Arcadis partner Richard Jones looks at the thorny issue of the undersupply of housing, a situation becoming more acute

Chris Cowley

Eliminating thermal bridging is key to meeting new targets

April 6, 2022 Comment

Chris Cowley, national specification manager at Keystone Lintels, says careful attention to detailing and thermal bridging is critical to achieving net zero

Matt Fleming

The industry's confidence trick

April 6, 2022 Comment

Matt Fleming, executive chairman of agency AF/Oliver, looks at the measures of consumer confidence in the UK


Early adopters in the net zero challenge

April 6, 2022 Comment

Changes to Building Regulations are challenging the industry but the sector is clearly preparing, says Ben Roskrow

Ibrahim Imam

What housebuilders can learn from the healthcare sector

March 30, 2022 Comment

Ibrahim Imam of PlanRadar looks at the use of digital strategies in the healthcare sector and argues that housebuilding can learn from this

Lee Chambers

Busting myths on net zero

March 25, 2022 Comment

Lee Chambers, chief commercial officer of the Active Building Centre, says that industry misconceptions should not get in the way of reaching net zero