
The latest news, features, comment and analysis of the UK housebuilding market covering policy, regulation, planning, technology, new developments and products

Ben Roskrow

Treasury moves show signs of success

June 1, 2013 Comment

In stark contrast to five years ago, the government seems to have its attention fixed on housebuilding. And, says Ben Roskrow, Treasury's latest move – the Hel…

The Osborne bazooka

May 1, 2013 Comment

The chancellor must feel it is "damned if it does, damned if it doesn't" when it comes to his initiatives on housebuilding. But, says EC Harris head of residen…

Steve Menary

Housebuilder margins rise as firms enjoy market recovery

May 1, 2013 Comment

Steve Menary gives the lowdown on the latest financial reporting season for the plcs, finding that margins are beginning to move up, shareholders are seeing th…

A turning point in our fortunes

May 1, 2013 Comment

The chancellor's Budget could prove to be a game changer in releasing demand for new homes. But there is also work to be done on the supply side, argues HBF ex…

John Stewart

Thatcher's housing legacy

May 1, 2013 Comment

The effects of Margaret Thatcher's policies to revive the private rented sector and withdraw the state from direct housing provision are still with us, but her…

Ben Roskrow

Believers and optimists in short supply

May 1, 2013 Comment

Despite all the government's efforts on the supply and demand sides of the new homes market, Ben Roskrow finds that property professionals are not predicting a…

Ben Roskrow

How many new housing starts in 2018?

April 29, 2013 Comment

At a recent housing debate, not one member of the audience thought we would be building 150,000 homes a year by 2018. Ben Roskrow wonders whether the governmen…

Steve Menary

Private equity funds swoop into UK market

April 1, 2013 Comment

There is considerable activity in the UK housebuilding sector with a wave of private equity firms taking an interest in the market. Steve Menary reports.

Needed - a strategy, not new initiatives

April 1, 2013 Comment

Richard Jones, head of residential and regeneration at EC Harris, says that the government announcing a series of initiatives does not a strategy make - and a …

John Stewart

Budgeting for the general election

April 1, 2013 Comment

The two Help to Buy Budget housing measures must have been influenced by electoral calculation, but John Stewart does not accept the almost wholly negative rea…