May 2019

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In this issue

The Interview - Jonathan Cranley & Ben Leather, Spitfire Bespoke Homes

Jonathan Cranley and Ben Leather are regional managing directors of Spitfire Bespoke Homes in the south and Midlands respectively. They talk to Suzie Mayes about design challenges, the joys of belonging to a medium housebuilder and how they both intend to lead the rapid growth of the business

Doing digital

With the traditional model of home buying in decline, Niclas Staberg calls for the industry to embrace the technologies that are changing the way people buy homes

Future Home unknowns

So far there has been little detail divulged on The Future Home Standard beyond the Spring Statement announcement. Suzie Mayes looks at what we know so far and what the industry thinks

HBF Viewpoint

HBF Policy director David O'Leary examines the latest round of mandatory gender pay gap reporting and looks at how the industry is performing - and what it should do to improve

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The Interview Paul Silver, Dorchester Living

Paul Silver is CEO of Dorchester Living, a developer delivering the large community of Heyford Park. He talks to Suzie Mayes about his commitment to the project, community engagement and the future vision for his long-term scheme

Struggling to Find a Buyer

The Financial situation of housing associations means housebuilders are finding it increasingly difficult to fulfil their obligations to provide affordable homes. Mark Smulian reports on the desperately needed properties that cannot be bought

HBF Viewpoint

Emma Ramell, HBF's director of external affairs, reflects on the parties' general election manifestos and how much importance was placed on housing. She also highlights what the industry wants from the next government

The Road to Quality

The Quality Award winners of NHBC Pride in the Job were announced in June. The organisation details the process of this esteemed competition and explains how it can build legacies