April 2021

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In this issue

Beauty contest

The government has launched a new draft National Model Design Code with proposals to include the word "beauty" in planning rules. Mark Smulian reports on how this might affect the industry

The beauty quandary

Ministers want "beauty" embedded in planning - but what does that mean? David Birkbeck of Design for Homes gives his verdict on recent schemes that have won awards for their design

A view on design

Park View, Woodstock, has been referenced as a good example of beautiful design. Suzie Mayes talks to its creators, Graham Flint, md of Pye Homes Blenheim and Dominic Hare, ceo of Blenheim Estate

The Interview - Andy Hill, Hill

After a productive 2020, Andy Hill, ceo of Hill, talks to Suzie Mayes about his recent highlights and challenges, and how the pandemic has helped his business make improvements

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There are two ways to view the housebuilding landscape at the moment, says Ben Roskrow. It is whether you are a glass half empty, or glass half full sort of person

High-rise pause

The industry is experiencing delays in gaining approval to build high-rise residential buildings through the new Building Safety Regulator. Suzie Mayes looks at the reasons why

The Interview – Joshua Hopkins, Lee Barnard, Denbury Homes

Joshua Hopkins, md of Denbury Homes, and Lee Barnard, the company’s new ceo, talk to Suzie Mayes about their big growth plans for the SME formerly known as Hopkins & Moore

Quality assurance

NHBC explains its new Quality Assurance Reviews and Certification, offering a holistic view of quality across a housebuilding business