Robust Details E-WM-23 and 24 are now available for a high-performance cavity separation wall construction using H+H aircrete blocks. The fully fitted cavity solutions, designed to address the thermal insulation requirements of Part L, have the added benefit of providing a high acoustic performance which exceeds the requirements of Part E of the Building Regulations sufficiently to attract 3 credits under the Code for Sustatinable Homes.
H+H Standard Grade, High Strength Grade and Super Strength Grade materials are all suitable for use in the construction of E-WM-23 and 24 separating walls and flanking walls - H+H Solar Grade may also be used in flank walls. This means a reduction in block types needed per project and a reduction in the margin for error and waste on site. A suitable Robust Detail E-WM-23 or 24 construction comprises of two leaves of H+H Standard Grade, High Grade or Super Grade Strength aircrete blocks with traditional mortar or Celfix Thin - Joint mortar, with a minimum 100mm cavity between. Detail 23 is with a 100mm cavity fully-filled with Superglass Party Wall Roll, while detail 24 is with Isover RD Party Wall Roll