From Keystone’s initial research it was clear that the new Part L requirement would see a major change in the way architects approach house design through the specification of enhanced products which improve the dwellings fabric. This is based on the principle of preventing energy waste by ensuring that the fabric of the building is adequately insulated and airtight. The fabric of the building remains for the life time of the building therefore it will continuously perform as designed.


While steel lintels have previously been produced with various bases to improve thermal performance it became clear to Keystone that performance levels fell considerably short of that required in the new regulations. The Hi-therm lintel however is five times more thermally efficient than a standard steel lintel and yet is specified and installed in exactly the same way. The new certified Psi value for lintels in the updated building regulations appendix R is 0.05W/m.k. Thanks to its patented design, the Hi-therm lintel is now the only one piece lintel that satisfies these requirements, thus creating strong demand growth for merchants offering this unique solution.