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Showersave Pantone 1805


A simple, sustainable and cost-effective means of achieving Part L compliance

Showersave was the first company to bring waste water heat recovery systems (WWHRS) to market in the UK. Our customers choose Showersave because of the enormous tangible benefits including; being straightforward to install, requiring minimal maintenance and our established record of extremely high reliability.

Showersave works brilliantly alongside heat pumps, reducing the heat pump load to ensure maximum efficiency during space heating and significantly minimising the running costs associated with hot water.

Working with the BRE Showersave became the first WWHRS recognised in SAP (SAP being the methodology used by the Government to assess the energy and environmental performance of dwellings). Showersave is recognised by the BRE in both SAP & SBEM and has become one of the most simple, sustainable and cost-effective means of achieving Part L compliance.


Unit 21, Avondale Business Park Mill Road
Co. Antrim
BT39 9AU
Northern Ireland

028 9334 4488