James Stevens

Director for Cities, HBF

James Stevens is Director for Cities of the Home Builders Federation.

James is responsible for all matters relating to devolution and the combined authorities in England where this relates to housebuilding. James is a town planner by profession and has extensive and detailed experience of local plans across all of England. He has also been involved in the published or emerging spatial development strategies for Greater London, Greater Manchester, the West of England, Liverpool City Region and Oxfordshire. In the last two years James has been leading for the Federation on the matter of nutrient neutrality. He has been working with the membership and external organisations to find possible solutions.

Metro mayors map

Devolution – the changing shape of England’s political governance

July 4, 2018

James Stevens, HBF’s director for cities, looks at the effect of gradual devolution in England. Changes suggest a shift in power when it comes to housing policy

Devolution: “Power, responsibility and accountability”

Oct. 4, 2019

HBF director for cities James Stevens listens to new prime minister Boris Johnson’s plans to reinvigorate the Northern Powerhouse

The planning white paper and the future of strategic planning

Nov. 4, 2020

James Stevens, HBF’s director for cities, argues that we need to consider strategic planning that looks far beyond the short term

The new lockdown: neutralising nutrients in new development

April 7, 2021

HBF director for cities James Stevens looks at the issue of excessive nutrients flow into wetland areas which is leading to serious delays in housebuilding